PATE (AMWOL Variant) TR Group Merging Order Submission
Your Email Address:
Your Password:
TR Group IDs: Merge: Into:
Email address for confirmation:

Enter the the ship ID of the TR group you want to eliminate, followed by the ship ID of the TR group you want it to be merged into. For example, if you enter "US1TR" into the "Merge: " box and "US2TR" into the "Into: " box, then US1TR will cease to exist, and its capacity and any cargo will be added to US2TR. Merging TR groups must be of the same state; two allied states, even if both are Mexican, cannot merge their TR groups. TR groups must be in the same tactical location to merge; TR groups in ports may not merge with ones in coastal waters.

Each side's Naval Minister, Prime Minister, and Monarch are authorized to merge that side's TR groups. The CO or XO of the TR group that is eliminated may also submit a merge order for his TR group.