Closing to Melee in ROTD

In ROTD, not all battles have melee phases, as it was difficult for troops to close with enemy units. In order for a battle to have a melee phase, there must be at least one unit on the attacking side in either Assault or Attack offensive mode, and at least one unit on the defending side in either Last-Ditch or Defend defensive mode. (If not, the side that is only in Skirmish and Evade mode gives way before troops can close.)

If at least one unit on each side has appropriate orders, then two sides will may close for a melee. Each unit on the attacking side has a chance to close for a melee. The chance of a unit closing for melee depends on four factors:

  1. The unit's quality: higher quality units are more likely to close.
  2. The unit's experience: more experienced units are more likely to close.
  3. The unit's morale: higher morale units are more likely to close.
  4. Units in Assault mode are more likely to close than units in Attack mode.

If any attacking unit passes its chance to close, then all other attacking units which have remained in the battle after the firing phase will subsequently close to melee along with it.

Maintained by Stephen Schmidt. Last updated 1-5-12