Specie, Loans, and Greenbacks
Loans and Money Printing Order Page

Your Email Address: Password:
Amount to borrow:
Amount to print:
Check here to make this a standing order
Check here to cancel your nation's standing order

Email address for confirmation of order (optional): 

Financial orders can be submitted by a state's Treasury Secretary, or by its President or Vice-President.
For amount, enter the amount of loans (denominated in greenbacks) or the amount of money you wish to print, this turn.

If you send more than one loan order, or more than one printing order, only the last will be used; thus the order should be for the total amount you want to borrow/print on the turn, not for the additional amount. You may send one loan order and one print order and both will be used. If you have sent an order to borrow, and you then send a later order, then if you specify a new borrowing amount, the new amount will replace the old amount. If you leave the "Amount to borrow" box empty then your previous order will remain.

It is possible to use gold to buy back greenbacks and reduce your circulation; email the GA if interested in doing so (as it is currently done by a hand-edit).

Maintained by Steve Schmidt, 7/29/15