Specie, Loans, and Greenbacks
Supply Depot Construction Order Page

Your Email Address: Password:
Location (strategic square): Tactical location:
Depot Cache

Email address for confirmation of order (optional): 

Supply depot construction orders can be submitted by a state's Treasury Secretary, or by its President or Vice-President. They cannot be submitted by the War Secretary unless he also holds one of the other three posts.
For location, enter a strategic square (e.g. G4-S6, not a city name) and a tactical square (e.g. 7-7).  You may put "city" for tactical location, and the SD/SC will be put in the city if there is one in the strategic square. You may leave the tactical square blank; then one will be selected. Depots can provide supplies to CQs up to 4 strategic squares from the depot; caches can only provide supplies to CQs (and units) in the same strategic square as the cache (and not on opposite sides of an unfordable river).

Maintained by Steve Schmidt, 3/5/18