WISC Ship Activation/Inactivation Order Submission
Your Email Address:
Your Password:
Activate or Inactivate
Ship IDs:

Email address for confirmation of order (optional): 

Each side's Naval Secretary, President, and Vice-President are authorized to activate or inactivate that side's ships. The commander and executive of a ship are authorized to activate or inactivate that ship. Transports may not be inactivated. Ships must be in ports that are controlled by their own state, to inactivate. An inactive ship requires four turns to activate.
If the "activate" button is checked above, all listed ships will be activated (nothing will be done to them if they are already active). If the "inactivate" button is checked, all listed ships will be inactivated if not already inactive (if already inactive, nothing will be done).

Check the ship IDs carefully before submitting this assignment.