"Wanted - Brisk lads, light and straight, and by no means gummy: not under 5 feet 5? inches, or over 5 feet 9 inches in height. Liberal bounty, good uniforms, generous pay! Step lively lads and come in while there is time."

Joining NWOL
The Historical Online Learning Foundation (HOLF), the sponsor of NWOL, maintains a Players Guild whose members are eligible to play all HOLF-sponsored games. If you wish to play NWOL, contact the Academy Commandant and express an interest in the game.

The NWOL Academie Militare
The Academie Militare now operates as part of the HOLF Academy system. It teaches new players the rules prior to their first NWOL game. The Academy will offers a basic course that teaches the basics of the game rules, submitting orders to the game server, and reading the maps & turn reports sent to players.

The Academy Course
The Academy course is open to players who are on the NWOL Player's Roster, and have not participated in any previous games. To get on the NWOL Player's Roster, send an email to the Academy Commandant.

Copyright 2006-2008 Historical Online Learning Foundation. All rights reserved.